Protecting Personal Data and Abby’s Identity

At Abby’s Breath of Hope, we are deeply committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of Abby and our family. In compliance with privacy laws and family court agreements, we have taken measures to keep personal data, including last names and specific identifying information, off this website to protect Abby’s identity and safety.

While we have chosen to share pictures and videos to raise awareness and connect with our community, we have deliberately withheld our last names and other sensitive details. This is in accordance with our commitment to privacy and the need to protect Abby from potential risks, including concerns related to family in the province where this took place.

We ask that visitors to our website respect these privacy measures by not disclosing or seeking out personal information that could compromise Abby’s safety. Our goal is to create a secure and supportive environment where Abby’s story can be shared without endangering her well-being.

By using this website, you agree to respect our privacy practices and contribute to the protection of Abby and our family. If you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer or our privacy measures, please contact us at [email protected].

Context and Clarifications

At Abby’s Breath of Hope, we discuss the challenges and injustices within the healthcare system, including instances of corruption and the prioritization of profits by hospitals, insurance companies, and the legal teams that protect them—often at the expense of patients. Our story includes difficult experiences with a nurse and doctor whose actions have caused Abby lifelong harm.

However, we want to make it clear that our criticisms are not directed at all healthcare professionals. We recognize that there are many dedicated and compassionate doctors and nurses who work tirelessly to provide the best care possible. We have friends and neighbors who are healthcare professionals, and we deeply respect the good work they do. Our focus is on the specific failures within the system that have led to harm, not on condemning all individuals who work within it.

Abby’s case is not an isolated one; she was severely harmed by the healthcare authority, but thankfully, she survived, unlike some other patients, including children, who have tragically lost their lives due to similar negligence. We share our story to advocate for change and to bring attention to the need for accountability, not to disparage those who are committed to helping others.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate this complex issue.